Starlight is UV-sensitive paper that turns blue when you touch it with UV light. It's quite a unique thing.
It's similar to Cyanotype, but you see your image instantly. With Cyanotype, the image needs to be washed.
Kids will engage with Starlight. They can create all sorts of images with a UV flashlight or the Sun.
What if the subject was nature, and what can you find outside? Kids can find leaves, sticks, rocks, flowers, and more. Put them on Starlight, and take a picture of what they find. And they see their art instantly, so they can try again if they want it to look a certain way.
Seeing how light bends, twists, and magnifies through glass is a clever way to engage kids' imaginations. Using light and exposure and angles, changing the distance of the light source to Starlight. How can the image be better? What if I change the angle of the glass? What if I move the light further away?
It’s something new. Something kids and adults haven’t tried yet.
Try it.